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Tips for Playing Golf Well Under Pressure

Tips for Playing Golf Well Under Pressure

If you want to play golf well under pressure follow these tips to help keep your nerves under control and use the pressure to take your performance to a whole new level. Minimize Your Swing Thoughts Keep your game plan simple. Put it on a piece of paper on the cart...

Learning Pitch Shots from YouTube Pro’s

Learning Pitch Shots from YouTube Pro’s

THE EASIEST WAY TO HIT GREAT PITCH SHOTS Often the shots between 20 and 50 yards give golfers real trouble, its not a chip, nor a full shot and this can catch some out. One of the most important factors when hitting these shots its understanding and controlling how...

Correct Posture for a Powerful and Consistent Golf Swing

Correct Posture for a Powerful and Consistent Golf Swing

Many professional golf instructors refer to golf posture as “spine angle.” If you’ve taken lessons or have spent much time learning proper technique to improve your game, you have most likely heard the phrase many times. Good posture for the golf swing can greatly...

A Golf Driver Tip To Remember

A Golf Driver Tip To Remember

How to Gain More Distance with Your Driver Every golfer wants to conquer the BIG stick. It's one of the best feelings in a round of golf if you smash the driver off the tee and send that little white ball flying into the distance. You might be here looking for the...

4 Important Factors That Affect Your Golf Swing

4 Important Factors That Affect Your Golf Swing

In the game of golf, no two people ever have the same golf swing. Each person has their own individual body with its own strengths, flexiblity and range of motion. The way one person swings a golf club may not work for another person, even if they are near in body...

3 Tips to Improve Your Golf Swing

3 Tips to Improve Your Golf Swing

Do you have a favorite golf player? Is it Tiger Woods or Ernie Els? Have you ever thought that your swing looks like theirs? Woods and Els are two great golf players. When you watch them play, you will definitely notice their graceful and powerful swings. Honestly, it...